About up!

Our story

up! is an NGO focused on exposing and eliminating all forms of violence. We aim to empower individuals and groups who are victims of violence, whilst tackling the many injustices associated with violence. We care, we speak out and we take action.

up! was founded in 2012 in Bern, Switzerland. up! has no religious or political affiliation.We started up as three committed and passionate individuals. Not backed by big money or institutions but with the deep conviction that there is too much violence against boys and men, and not enough people doing something about it.

Violence comes in many forms, and its harmful consequences are complex, far-reaching and multifaceted. Violence is often linked to other social problems: urban poverty, migration, alcohol and drug misuse, human trafficking, sexual exploitation and armed conflict to list but a few. This is why up! understands violence in a broad sense.

We place special attention to those “outside the system” to reduce marginalisation, often a symptom of structural violence or that may ultimately lead to violence within society.

Violence against boys and men is often overlooked, and we think that it’s important to include their experiences in our work because:

  • Very few specific services exist for males experiencing violence.

  • Strong taboos around “males as ‘victims’ of violence” subsist, often stemming from gender stereotypes.

  • Perpetrators” may often be males, and failing to address this can ultimately lead to violence on females, other males, children, communities and societies.

up! is excited about a new initiative called “up! Collective,” which is a collaborative effort that aims to counter the structural violence and injustice marginalized groups worldwide face and build a more just world through partnerships and participatory methods. up! International is proud to support of the collective and our shared mission of promoting equity and justice for marginalized communities worldwide.


We want our actions to make a tangible difference and only work where we feel this can be achieved.


We consistently aim for excellence by adopting knowledge-based approaches and setting realistic yet challenging goals for ourselves and with our partners.


We respond to needs as they arise, including when this means adapting our priorities, target populations and geographical areas.


We actively listen to partners on the ground as we believe that they know what they need best, and it is together that we can develop appropriate responses.


We are open to change, creative approaches and embrace new ideas. We believe in piloting projects and value learning from and critically reflecting on their outcomes.


We work with people and organisations in a spirit of cooperation, openness, mutual trust, accountability and transparency.


We enjoy life, embrace humour and believe that heavy topics should be taken seriously but held lightly.

About up!

Our vision

We aspire to a society free of violence, where each individual can live in dignity and free of fear.

Our mission

To prevent and to reduce violence, and to help those affected by the consequences of violence.

To create awareness about violence and its negative impact on individuals, communities, and societies.

You can make a difference!



It all begins with an idea and followed by action.

Please support our work! You can donate here:

ABS (Alternative Bank Switerzland), Amtsquai 21, 4601 Olten, Switzerland
IBAN: CH59 0839 0031 9298 1000 2

International Payments:
Bankclearing/IID: 8390
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