up! Team
Mark Moser
Mark is an international leadership and development consultant with more than 15 years experience in Europe, Asia and Africa. He teaches Intercultural Management at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). He has been the Secretary General of the International Federation of Blue Cross, an international health promotion organisation working on substance abuse. Mark is passionate about social change and completed a post-graduate on conflict analysis and resolution. He lives with his family in Bern and Bangkok.
Pascal Sieber
Pascal is an entrepreneur and consultant in the field of corporate strategy and IT strategy with more than 15 years experience in Switzerland and with international clients. He possesses a PhD in Management Science and has been doing research in Switzerland, German, and the United States. He still teaches from time to time in business administration and information systems research at the University of Bern. He is passionate about learning to work in different cultures and bringing in his visionary, strategic view as well as his experience and capability in making organizations work. He lives with his family in Bern, Switzerland.
Jarrett Davis
Jarrett is a social researcher and consultant specialising in exploitation and violence and has been in the South-East Asia region for the past 15 years. Over the past four years, his work has focused on developing a better understanding of the vulnerabilities of people groups that are often overlooked in research, policy, and social development initiatives. As a part of this, he has led a variety of studies with Love146 and other international and regional organisations focusing on sexual violence against males and LGBTQ persons throughout the Philippines, Cambodia, and Thailand. Jarrett completed his graduate studies in Intercultural Communication in the Philippines, where his thesis focused on social identity and identity development among marginalised groups on the outskirts of Metro-Manila. He is currently based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia where he consults on a variety of social research projects across the region.
Glenn Miles
Glenn has spent most of his career in Cambodia focused on the rights of children and vulnerable adults in Asia. Glenn possesses a PhD from the University of Wales in Childhood Studies that focused on ‘Cambodian children’s experiences and understandings of violence’, including sexual abuse and trafficking, which was used as part of the UN Study on Violence against children (2005). He has developed a range of trainings on child development and protection, including the www.good-touch-bad-touch-asia.org, www.asianyouthagainstporn.org flip-charts and www.CelebratingChildrentraining.info that was rolled out in nine countries in Asia and Africa. Glenn is currently Lecturer in Child Public Health at the University of Swansea in Wales, UK.His research concerns are understanding the opinions of under-represented and sexually exploited communities including boys. men and transgender and he has done research in Cambodia, India, the Philippines, Thailand, Sri Lanka. He continues to be advisor for NGOs in Cambodia, Thailand and the UK.
Nathalie Morandini
Nathalie has an M.A. in Social Sciences and has implemented several humanitarian projects for European NGOs such as HELP Hilfe-zur-Selbsthilfe e.V., CESVI, and Gruppo Volontariato Civile. From South-East Europe (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia) to Africa (DR Congo, Niger, Côte d’Ivoire) and Central America (Haiti, Honduras), she has been working as Head of Mission as well as Project Manager on projects to empower vulnerable migrants and women victims of violence. She has also worked for the United Nations Mission in Cote d’Ivoire and more recently for the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in Geneva as Human Trafficking Database and Project Assistant. She currently works in Switzerland as a social worker with refugees for the Canton of Vaud.
Judith Fiss
Judith has nearly two decades years experience in social work, project management and training in various countries in Africa, Asia and Europe. She possesses a degree in social work and a MSc in Conflict, Security and Development. She has worked on issues such asylum in Switzerland, drug use and alcohol-related harm in Chad, Namibia or Congo, HIV/AIDs in Serbia and street children and human trafficking in Cambodia. Judith is passionate about working with project teams and takes a special interest in issues related to urban poverty, migration, substance use and harm reduction and child protection. She lives in Geneva, Switzerland, where she works with Amnesty Switerzland and is involved in several NPO’s.